Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Dialogue Series- Part 2


Sins of the Father

It was late in the afternoon on a warm Tuesday in Msogwaba. My friend and I have spent the last few hours of day-light playing the game of Chess while drinking red wine in whisky glasses under the mango tree in front of his veranda. The lighting was getting poorer by the minute and his outside lights were not sufficient for lighting our table; plus, we were also tired of beating each other in this mind game and just wanted to enjoy the wine for now.

“Put that away before I change my mind and decide to continue mentally torturing you.” He said while switching off the Chess Clock.

“I will take mental torture over emotional torture any day.”

“That is because men were not meant to be emotional. Be Physical and intellectual, emotions break the best of us. You become emotional, you lose control of yourself and your life.”

“But we are emotional beings like all human beings, are we not?”

“We may be, but it does not mean we always have to entertain our emotions. We need to get them under the control of reason, make sense of them before entertaining them. Like sexual urges; we are also sexual beings but it doesn’t mean we must entertain all sexual feelings or urges now, does it?”

“I know. But I meant emotions that are necessary for thriving personal relationships; like love, care and compassion”

“Translate those into physical and intellectual terms. You feel it? Then make sense of it and figure out a way to physically act it out or perform it without compromising yourself. You do not let any of these feelings make you do things that compromise your safety, your sanity or your resources unless it is for someone you are responsible for. See? Keep it within reason.”

“You say these things so lightly but there are people who ended up dead or imprisoned just because of simple emotions such as jealousy for instance. And I am not talking the usual ‘envy’ type of jealousy people normally misuses the term Jealousy for. I mean the possessive type that men feel whenever they see another man with their wife or girlfriend even.”

“That is for silly boys. No man can allow himself to be a victim of such silly emotions”

“But the sad truth is bearded boys with big fully grown bodies are walking among us. You know I was attacked just last week while sitting at this Chillas spot next to the main road?”

“Really? Who would attack you? You are the most none-threatening man I know. Even your muscles are not scary, it’s obvious to anyone that looks at you that these are merely for aesthetics. What happened?”

“I was sitting with the owner playing chess, then the next thing a couple of his friends come over and sit on the table next to ours. At the end of the game, the tenth one this patzer lost, he moves over to join them.  I figured it was because they had cold beer while I was drinking wine. He didn’t appreciate the taste and the temperature. I had to stop him from adding ice a few times. Who dilutes fine red wine just for the sake of temperature?”

“Only uneducated idiots, but who am I to judge. Get to the part where you get attacked, please.”

Yes, so after the owner leaves the seat, these two ladies pull over in a black polo. They ask to join me at the table, I allow them. Then they start talking to me, asking if I could teach them Chess. I tell them it would be futile and a waste of my and their time at that point; chess needs directed and intentional commitment to learn. Just from that response they concluded that I am all sorts of negative things. They said I thought I was better than them because I was drinking wine. Ok. “

“As if you have your name on the bottle of the wine! What better? As if you are getting that wine for free! Better? As if you get paid to drink wine! Better?But do go on…”

“Better because I chose my alcohol based on personal health benefits. So yes, better!”

“That’s a good one.”

“So the next thing I hear this one guy from the two sitting with the owner, speaking offensively to the one girl sitting next to me. I look at her face and find that she is not fazed; as if  she is used to dealing with idiots like these. But still I somehow wonder why no one is saying anything. Why is the owner not calling his friend to order? He seemed to be enjoying it because he was laughing and continued drinking the instigator’s beer.”

“Do they not sell beer at Chillas?”

“They do”

“Then why was the owner drinking other people’s beer?”

“Oh, their beer was warm, that’s why they even allowed people to bring their own. It was a busy hot day and they are a very small establishment”

“I see. Proceed with the story”

“Yes, so the next thing I hear this guy shouting at me for a response. I raise my head to look at him to repeat what he was asking me because I didn’t get it the first few times. There was music playing and I did not expect him to speak to me. He repeats angrily, asks if I know the girl sitting next to me. I look at the girl, she smiles. I think to myself, an opportunity to redeem myself in her eyes, ok. So I respond ‘yes, I do know her.’ He then asks if I know where she stays. I look at her again for a signal, she’s friendly, so I say ‘yes I do’. Now the guy asks if I can tell him where she stays because she does not want to tell him. I laugh at that remark. He gets obviously annoyed and asks me not to laugh at him. I tell him, ‘my brother I cannot do that unless she allows me. If she wants you to know where she stays she can tell you herself’.

“I thought the guy was not coming to me when he got up and rushed to my direction. I just didn’t expect him to. It didn’t make sense how quick the situation had escalated. Next thing I feel someone pulling me by my t-shirt. I struggle and my t shirt rips to pieces. I get up to look, I see same guy holding the pieces of my shirt. He throws them down and comes at me with fists rolled up saying ‘I want to fuck you up’. I look at him. Sized him up and immediately decided I could handle him so I charged towards him with my fists rolled up to meet him half way. He stopped. Reached for his back pocket and pulled out a 3-star (knife). After he opened it I realized it was no longer a fair fight, so I called the owner to intervene and stop this madness. He just called out the guy’s name without moving from his chair. I realized then that I was all alone here so I fled the scene before it could become a criminal scene.”

“Damn! You did a smart thing to run; it really makes you look like a coward, but it was the smartest decision you could make. How drunk was the owner at that point for him to allow this madness?”

“Stupid drunk! Rendered catatonic by alcohol. It’s never a good idea to mix”

“You know I thought your story was on jealousy, but the stupid emotion I see here is that of alcohol induced sensitivity. I want to say drunk men, but I do not want to offend the ideal men so I will put it this way; drunk males are sensitive to disrespect. Drunk males are controlled by their emotions and feelings. Once they feel something when they are drunk, they do not take the necessary steps  to  assess if it is worth reacting to.”

“I hear you, but my story was not finished. My fleeing was not just to get away to safety. I too felt disrespected and did not want to allow another man to disrespect me and get away with it. I had gone to call for reinforcements and when I returned looking for the guy, he was gone. They said he left with the girl he had been speaking to. Apparently she was his girlfriend. He had to kick her around first before getting her in the car to leave. He somehow suspected that his girlfriend and I had known each other from before there. That’s why he was asking me all these silly questions. Jealousy!”


“You know it is sad that you nearly got stabbed for something you knew nothing about. Now imagine the possibility that something like that happens every weekend in our communities.”

“Sins of the father, man! It would have been poetic justice somehow. I would have found a way to make peace with it. I am making peace with the trauma from it as we speak. I deserved it!”

“You are losing me now. What are you talking about? What did your father do?”

“I am told that when I was two, my father stabbed and killed a man he suspected to be having an affair with my mother. My mother says she was not having an affair with the man. So there is a chance that there is a man who once died for something he did not do. Hence I am citing the poetic justice that this would have been. My father did the time for it though. Got rehabilitated, I believe.”

“That is not your load man, you are carrying too much already. Let go of that. Your father is alive to carry his sins and pay for them, not you. You have your own life to live. Your own mistakes to learn from.”

“But do you realize how much we become like our fathers as we grow older?”

“We are following the same genetic codes as our fathers, so yes! If you have the same genes as your father, you are likely going to look and possibly even think and act like him the older you grow.”

“That worries me a lot to be honest. I often fear I will make the same mistakes. In fact, I may have started making the same mistakes as him.”

“If you are immersed in the same environment as your father and have access to the same limited resources as him, then you are likely to make the same mistakes. But your father grew up at a different time, under different circumstances. Even the culture your father grew up under is significantly different from the one you grew up under. Your parents grew up under apartheid South Africa. A whole different regime than the democracy you grew up in. Stop feeling and start thinking! I told you these emotions will be the end of you. Now you are feeling unwarranted fear! Even I would say hope, though an emotion too, is better than fear. I will repeat for your benefit; Physical and intellectual, that’s all that matters out here. Everything else is meant to confuse you.”

“Why do you intentionally leave out the spiritual part of existence?”

“Because just like the emotional, it is personal and subjective. I can lie and say I feel a certain emotion just as easily as I can lie and say I am deeply spiritual. The truth is it does not matter what I say, what matters is what reasonable thoughts are derived from the spiritual and emotional and the actions that follow; Intellectual to physical! The proof is in the pudding my dear friend!”

“I hear you sir! It’s getting late, I must get home. Thanks for the beatings my good sir, I promise to return the favour in our next meeting.”

“Keep dreaming. Be safe in these streets my friend. Go well.”


Monday, October 17, 2022

The Dialogue Series Part 1

                                                TIME AND CHANCE

The challenges of this life can sometimes be so overwhelming that you wonder if they were really meant for you. They are so real and personal that it is almost impossible to think my way out of them. Pretending to be happy doesn’t seem to ease the stress either . I know because I’ve tried it, so many times. Smiling through it does not work for these grown up problems. It used to when I was younger; I would just force myself to smile and my mind would automatically shift to happy thoughts and I could feel myself relaxing.

These days I find it is only wine and Chess that seem to be making life a little bearable. I wouldn’t recommend either to anyone with a weak heart and a weak mind. They are both very potent and quite addictive; but they are also very effective in helping me deal with the current state of my life, whether separately or in combination.

I was sitting alone at home on a Tuesday and felt my head about to explode from all the miserable thoughts that wouldn’t stop ringing. I decided to pick up my chess set and a bottle of wine and visit one of my older friends for a game.

“I am losing my grip on this life, man!” I said, while setting up the chess board on his garden table under the mango tree in his front yard.

“Don’t tell me you are also considering hanging yourself?! Are you?” he asked with some seriousness that is uncharacteristic of him. I figured he was more curious than serious in the solemn manner of the word. He was wondering if it was possible that old happy me could think that way.

“I have learned not to resign unless I have thoroughly considered all possible options and determined there is no way out. I am still considering my options but it’s quite clear that I am losing; either the queen or the game and I feel I am running out of time.”

“Hold it right there! Don’t say another word until you have a glass with wine in it.” He rushed into the house and came back carrying a corkscrew and two wine glasses; he pulled the wine from my side of the table and quickly opened it. He poured a glassful for me and poured half a glass for himself. “You need this more” he said “what’s really going on man?”

I took a good sip and looked at him with a comforting smile, “Did I make it sound like it was too serious? I am really sorry my friend; I didn’t mean to get you worried. I was just talking in general, life is hard! It’s like playing a game against Banele; you are constantly defending; dealing with problems after problems, you don’t get any peace. You just never catch a breath to at least plan an attack and be hopeful about something.”

I wanted to talk to him about my personal problems but felt I would be burdening him. It’s obvious that he has his own problems to deal with judging from the grave face his wife met me with when I was coming in.

He chuckled at the Banele reference and added “Yeah, that boy is very dangerous. He almost made me quit chess last year. But as it turns out my addiction is stronger than the pain of losing from him. I have made my peace with suffering in his hands, the rest of you will have to suffer the consequences. You know the saying ‘hurt people hurt people’ right? The rest of you will be my victims.”

I played my first move pushing the pawn in front of the king to e4 and solemnly asked “Do you feel like a king in your kingdom my friend?”

“I used to! In the glory days. These days I have to fight just to feel like a man. I have to remind people that I am the man of the house. Or just a man in the house.  An angry man. That’s worse than a pawn in my mind. Kings are not angry, they are graceful and confident. Not me. At least not anymore. I have lost my grace. This life can be very testing.” He pushed c5.

“You have no idea just how much I understand you my friend. I feel like I am drained of all my strength from all this testing you are referring to. If I don’t die this year, I am definitely going to thrive next year.” 2. Nc3

“Talk to me man, what’s eating you up?” 2…Nc6

“Its just one stress on top of another. You remember that NGO I worked for?” 3. Bb5

“Yes, that Million touchie-touchie or something?” 3...Nf6

“That very one. Earlier this year in March they send me a letter saying they will not be able to pay my salary for the next two months due to lack of funding. They guaranteed that by the first of June we will resume all programs. I made plans for the two months without income ensuring that my family has the bare minimum they need for sustenance, assuring them that we will take care of everything else June Month-end. They understood even though it wasn’t easy. I have two teenage kids and a three-year-old to think of here; not forgetting my pensioner mom who seems to be carrying the burden in this trying times.” 4. Bxc6

“Yes, yes; and that beautiful wife of yours. Why do you leave her out?” 4…bxc6

“This woman spends so much time at her mom’s house I’m not sure I’m allowed to call her my wife” 5. d6

“Don’t you dare speak that way. I went and paid her lobola for you myself. That is your wife man.”5…g6

“I hear you my friend, but that is an issue for later. I need us to discuss it as well. Now back to that Million people matter and their false promises.

“So I return to the office on the 1st of June expecting to be welcomed back but instead I’m told the programs funding is not in yet, they will let me know when it is. I go back home and let the family know things are not back to normal yet. They were obviously disappointed. My mom was obviously annoyed; she didn’t even hide it. She asked me ‘did they tell you when it will be in, because their letter was specific that you will be returning to work today?’

“I told her they did not and walked away. I didn’t want to get into an emotional engagement on that issue. I didn’t want to show them I was also disappointed lest they lose their confidence in me.” I played 6. Nge2 and took a sip of wine to calm my nerves.


“I know what you mean.” My friend responded, “at first you had the official backing of a letter and it was betrayed and now you only have a word of mouth without any guarantees. That’s tough.” 6…d6

“So now I had to deal with everyone taking turns asking me if I was going in this week or not. Each time I would call someone from the office to check and get the same answer. June ended, then July and August. I realized that I needed to move on so I wrote an email to the director requesting that they help me close this chapter so that I can at least apply for my Unemployment Insurance Fund in the meantime while trying to move on.” 7. b3

“Eish, Ja man! Even though that UIF payout would not be much but at least it would be some income. So you are saying you have not had income since end of March?” 7…Bg7

“Yes! Six full months. If it was not for the invitations I get to officiate in Chess tournaments I would be all bones, depressed and  maybe even abusive. Hurt people hurt people, right?” 8. Rb1

“True. So did you end up getting that UIF?” 8…O-O

“That is the interesting part of this story. You see the old HR and Finance officer had resigned during this period of non-payment so they had to hire a new one. The new HR person asked me to send my contract through because apparently she could not locate it from that small office. Which was weird but I later figured that she only wanted to confirm if I still had it.” 9. O-O

“Why would she not be upfront with you, I don’t understand” 9…Bg4

“I learned that the UIF forms require the employer to furnish ‘reason for termination of employment’ and they had planned to state ‘contract expired’ as they did with the other employees who had contracts. Their problem was that my contract has no expiry date. It is a permanent employment contract thus they would need me to resign first before we could proceed with the UIF. But they learned I was not willing to resign, my family would kill me for that stupid move. Guess what they did afterward?” 10. f3

“Don’t tell me they tried playing tricks on you, that can’t be right. Playing you is playing your kids and your mother man. They cannot be that heartless. Can they?” 10…Bd7

“Well I got a call from the director the next day after sending through the copy of my contract. We spoke for close to an hour and this whole time she is off-loading all of her personal financial troubles on my shoulders. She is telling me how tough the past few months have been for her and her family. And that time I’m wondering if she remembers that I too have a family that depends on me.” 11. Qe1

“That shameless Woman! Is she white?” 11…a5

“No. you know her man. I came with her to your school once when we had to sign that SLA. The one with the big eyes.” 12. a4

“Oh, that one with her model C English I attempted to promote? I should have promoted that pawn and then sacrificed it for entertainment if she is that callous.” 12…Qb6

“What makes you think she would allow you to promote? That woman can afford herself man. She is not desperate for promotion. Don’t make me laugh.” While laughing off his cocky remarks and moved 13. Kh1

He played 13…Be6 and said “Your problem is you think I attack alone when I approach a woman. I go in with Bishops and Sangomas all at once. They cannot all fail, can they?”

“Forget about her man, listen to what she says next on the call, she says; ‘oh hey, you know I just realized that the contract I gave you did not have an expiry date. That was such an amateur mistake on my part, doing things for myself for the first time, please forgive me. All our contracts are meant to be in line with our funding cycle and I did not fix that with yours , and now we have run out of funding and it poses a challenge. We have had to make some budget cuts due to our reduced funding and everybody got a pay cut, even I got one. So our budget for your program is also significantly reduced’. At that time, I’m wondering why it had to take her so long to tell me that. Three months! She then has the nerve to offer me a third of my salary and then qualifies it by saying ‘I know it is very little compared to what you were earning but you don’t have to take it, just think about it. Just know that this is what we can afford right now if you decided to come back’. I was defeated. I had no words. I just told her I would think about it.” 14. Qh4

“Damn man. I’m sorry to hear that. So does she now ask you to suffer the consequences of her mistake and be understanding? You have a permanent employment contract and she is talking you out of it by claiming she made an amateur mistake in drafting it?”

“That is exactly what she is asking and at that time she is getting paid two salaries for the same job!”

“So all this time you are suffering alone inside? Don’t do that man. This thing will eat you alive. People will think you have AIDS when its financial stress eating you up.” 14…Rfe8

“You know the most painful part is when electricity runs low like 1.1 units remaining or even the sugar running out and the kids are no longer sure if they should tell me or not because they know the financial situation is dire.  I used to shout at them whenever I discover something finished when I wanted to use it, asking why didn’t anyone say when they noticed; but now I just tuck my tail behind my legs and enjoy my tea without sugar.” 15. Bh6

“Hahaha oh, sorry man. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at the thought of a dog tucking its tail in, that’s a funny sight. Okay, if you win this game I will give you R100. Hell I will pay you just for beating you even.” 15…Nh5

“Man, I don’t want you R100. You know I was doing a tournament last week, so I’m okay for now. But I will take the R100 just to get another bottle of wine.” 16. Bxg7

“But on a serious note now, what are you going to do about this Million people?” 16…Kxg7

“What Can I do? I think that’s the better question. I have asked them to write me a dismissal letter stating their reason for laying me off but it has been two weeks and they still have not sent it. Maybe then I could enquire at CCMA if they had the right to do this to me. It’s a matter of knowing what is right and what is wrong. This just feels wrong to me, but maybe they have good reason for doing it. Slave traders also had to throw some slaves in the ocean to save their ships from sinking. There is no humane way to perform an inhumane act, is there?” 17. g4

“She did her best though, softening you up with her own sob stories? Making you feel like you were not alone? ‘we have all had to get a pay-cut.’ How much did she have to cut, this snob!” 17…Nf6

“The head needs more blood than the feet.” 18. Nf4

“The truth is for as long as you are not pursuing your own goals, you are just a tool for someone to use in pursuing theirs; so be prepared to get used, abused and refused! You have now been refused because they have no use for you. Maybe they found a replacement? We are all replaceable.” 18…Qb4

“Well that is something I’m still not sure how I feel about. I found out that they have replaced me with two of my own students. Maybe I should be proud!” 19. Nce2

“It’s your chance to move on up to the next chapter man. Find something that will fulfill you, generate you some income while still allowing you to keep some control of your life.” 19…Bd7

“I need something that will help slow my death, because the past few months have been moving very slow for me.” 20. g5

“What do you mean now?” 20…Ng8

“You don’t know the saying? ‘The faster you move, the slower you die.’? I think I heard it from a movie.” 21. Rg1

 “You know I don’t watch TV, I’m too grown to be programmed.” 21…Qd2

“ You can never be too grown to learn from others.” 22. Rbc1

“I read, dummy. You learn more from reading than from watching TV” 22…e5!

“ Says who? There is a lot more variety of information shared on TV than in anything you read” 23. Re1

“Information overload! Nobody really learns anything that lasts from TV. You Know the difference between Passive learning and Active learning?” 23…exf4

“ I do” I said, suddenly realizing that I may be losing this game. I played 24. Nxf4

“That’s where the difference is, TV can only affect how you feel about certain issues rather than teach you how to think around them. Your emotional faculties are more heightened than your cognitive faculties while you are watching TV” He said and then pushed 24…d5

“Yes, I get that. That is a results of the visual effects controlling your focus. But I’m sure it is different from watching a lecture on a certain topic, is it not?” 25. Ng2

Just like that, the conversation had taken a new direction. I have forgotten all my problems for the moment and I am able to entertain other thoughts. That on its own has healing powers. I felt a cool breeze flowing through my brain.

“It is still passive if you are just sitting and watching. It is very easy to get distracted while watching than when reading, don’t you understand? You know what, just forget it. Just play” 25…f5

“I get it. It is easier to get lost in your own thoughts when watching TV than when reading, but it doesn’t mean one does not wonder off while reading??” 26. e5

“Do you wonder off while playing Chess?” 26…Rxe5!

“Against a weaker opponent, yes!” 27. Rxe5

“Then you lack focus my boy…Check!” 27…Qxc1+

“Eish! I missed that, but that’s okay.” 28. Re1

“It is not okay my brother, you are bleeding now. You better take care of your kids. A man without children is a man without a future, don’t you know?” 28…Qxc2

I was about to play my queen to c7, 29. Qc7 but my opponent just pointed at the clock and smiled while shouting “Time!”

I had lost the game on time!

“I was distracted I lost track of time” I said, defending my bruised ego. “ Let us play another one.”