Some differences are just not that scary to people. For instance men and women are different in many ways but they can get along with mutual understanding. Using their differences to satisfy the respective needs of one another. Of course there are still men who are afraid of women and women who are scared of men. Thats okay cause sooner or later they get over those fears with understanding of the other party or sex. So understanding cures fear... maybe that's why we studying...( well some of us, some of you study in ordeer to aquire a skill that could help you make money). So it could be said that we fear most what we do not understand. What is different is mostly what you are not and if you are not it then you are most likely not to understand it. It's alien to you, it's foreign, it is strange and senseless. Cause for wonder.
Whenever you come across something of this sort you are tempted to test it. Whether it's a different personality, attitude, sense of style or way of thinking someone will try to challenge it. They will always be someone to test the reselience of that "different" thing, person or style. They will want to test your confidence and faith in your choice of ways of doing things, ways of living life and ways of thinking. They test yours because they are not sure whether theirs is good enough. The presence of a difference creates doubt to the uncertain mind. You wonder if your way of doing things is the right or more effecient way of doing things.
Doubt can be the worst thing to happen to a man's mind. Once in doubt you start to fear, when afraid, you fail to think logically and once logical thinking goes out the window, chaos rushes in the front door. Sometimes doubt leads to discovering truths (like in the case of Descartes) and better ways to improve thy self. If sometimes you doubt your lover, you probably should, you doubt your friend, they ought to be doubted as long as you doubt with good reason. A doubting heart is a loving heart, a caring heart, and a concerned heart. An enquiring mind always doubts but a wise mind knows when not to doubt as sometimes to doubt is not good for the heart.
But if you doubt a stranger, you shouldn't. Why do you care? Just leave it alone. When your fear someone, figure out what is different about them that makes you tick. Sometimes you might think that you hate someone when you actually just afraid of them because they are not like everybody else. You are not like everybody else, you are also different and feared somewhere by others. You want to be undeerstood, why not understand other's as well.
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