Thursday, February 3, 2011


So lately I've been wondering why this women (or girl is more suitable?) acts like she hates me. Previously the only experience I've had with women or girls hating me was when they had a crush on me which I could not encourage in my behaviour towards them or even if they would tell me about it and I'd reject them. Well, for those, I think it is reasonable that they should hate me. I mean I would also somehow hate a girl if I were to pour my heart out to her and she'd just reject my proposal coldly without even asking for some time to consider it (I know there is nothing to consider in cases like these by the way).

With this particular girl though, it is different. At some point we pretended to be friends acting all close, and friendlish for some time but whenever she'd find out that I have or had some "play-sessions" with some other girl we work with, she'd go to the girl, start sort of be-friending her and then think of something mean or just bad to say about me (well the girls would report back to me). Funny thing is, she has always had something bad to say about me but when it is just me and her she'd try and be all nice and wanna "high-five" me every once in a while.

The thing is I don't hate this girl, I just find her funny. Lately what she does is to pretend that she like everyone that gets closer to me (both guys and girls) and the girls she turn against me. If she sees a girl we work with paying some attention to me she gets closer to her and then the next day that very same girl cannot even look at me without showing a disgusted face. With the guys she flirts with them and interfere in our conversations and when I shut her up she calls me names and tell everyone that I think I'm better than everyone and that I disgust her. She always say this with a digusted expression, but the next morning I am the first person she greets with a smile and she'd make some silly comments about how I look- which I used to smile to but I don't anymore- she'd try to do her flirty-dirty-faces which I no longer respond to and afterwards she finds a reason to talk to me in front of others and say stupid things which could be interpreted as mean by many a sensitive soul. I try to ignore her but it is proving futile. She is crazy. I think she has father issues.

I think I represent an abusive member of her family that she loves to hate. She loves, I mean LOVES having a say in everything I say whether it involves her or not. She actually LOVES my attention, whenever she is at the office I have to know. She will either say something bad about me loud enough for me to hear it or she will just pass by me and give me an ugly look. She's beautiful though. Sometimes I wonder if it is because I never seriously persued her for girlfriend typer-thing.

 But hey, I'm only writting this because I don't know what to do. I Don't know what is wrong with her, I don't know how to behave around her (previously she used to complain that I'm rude to her- I generally tend to be rude to girls who think they are hot and want special treatment). I cannot be nice to her anymore (I tried it before..excrutiating!). I cannot be rude to her anymore because when I do act rude she complains out loud to everyone and says that she was trying to be friends and I am just mean and I suck. I cannot be indifferent either because she doesn't allow me. She is always up in my face that I have to react. Man!!

This is a cry for help. I'm confused. All I can say is, some girls are crazy.

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