It is not that much of a deal if you always lie so save your skin as long as you do not end up lying to yourself.
Lies are the true marker of intelligence as long as they remain logical and almost truthful while remaining believable and causing little doubt; and another thing, they should not come back to bite you!
Lies... it's all in the detail!
It is easier and always advisable to lie to someone you know better than lying to someone who knows YOU better!
Lie for good, then you are a good liar. Lie to harm, then you are a bad liar.
What makes a good liar is knowing when to lie and when not to.
The Truth is subjective, but lies are not!!
Lies... they keep the world in order.
Lies provide the most comfort as long as we remain oblivious to the truth.
The only thing that makes a lie is the presence of truth
Without truth there would be no lies.
Life is one BIG lie... Yes, yours too!
Lies nourish lives. They keep people together, especially couples.
Keep up a good lie, it stimulates the brain!!
Lies are stimulating for people who know the truth!
Catch a lie when you do not know the truth, then you are smart. Prove a lie without all the details of the truth, then you are intelligent. Entertain a lie you are aware of and pretend it is the truth until you get the liar confused of what's what, then you are a genius!
Lie to me... Though it wont do you any good!!
A true liar is someone who lies with the truth.
Lie with your mouth then you'll be spotted, lie with your eyes and body then you can get away with it. Lie with your whole being then you are a BIG LIAR! Getting caught will devastate you.
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