Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sister's keeper?

So here's a thought, a guy with a little sister- well, a brother protects his sister from bullies at school and anywhere and everywhere in the neighbourhood right? Right!!

As a brother you wouldn't actually step in when your sister is involved in a conflict with other girls of her age because they are equals and it is just a "girl thing" (female affairs). If another guy, however, was to mess with your sister (younger or older) you would wanna interfere, you would wanna show the guy that no-one messes with your sister but you, no-one calls your sister names but you. And all that kind of issues you get into with your sister even if you and your sister fight and quarrel a lot you still won't care who is in the wrong- Your sister just by virtue of her being your sister her side is always the right side unless she is fighting with you.

You tell yourself that you will protect your sister from whatever harm may befall her. Physical and emotional. What then if she gets involved with some rascal, some little hoodlum who plays with her feelings and live her heart-broken and hurt? If the pact is that you protect your sister from all sorts of harm then what of this sort of harm? If a con-artist was to con your sister out of her cash no matter how much, you would wanna step in and demand your sisters money back, right? Right! But then if some smooth talker comes and sweeps her off her feet and then make a run with her "heart" so to speak what do you do then? Why can you not intervene in this matter as you would in the other cases?

You are your sister's keeper right? and this are some of the things that brothers with sisters have to think of. Sometime ago I had this friend whom I used to compete with on picking up chicks. We were pretty close for a long time. We'd compete with girls in our school, pick out all the hot one's and then say "these are the girls we go for and if you hadn't scored one of them by the end of the week then your game is whack". At times we'd even go for the same girl to see who will be the first to the finish line. Sometimes I'd win at other times he would. It was all fun until this one time my sister who was staying away from home came home for a visit. He saw her. She was hot, he thought. Messed up thing is, he mentioned it to me. Fine, I thought. Its always a good thing having a hot sister that your friends swoon over but never get to get with because she is tough. She is not an easy girl like all these girls that we're always targeting.

That's what I thought of my sister and I'd  sometimes warn her about that a*** that is my friend and tell her stories about the things we do together at school and around the neighbourhood. Of course feeling confident that I've dished out the dirt on my buddy I had no reason to fear them two getting together. Much to my surprise, that is exactly what I've been told by my sister a month after they met. They were already involved... a couple and it's been so for a month. A month? Right under my nose?? WTF!! I thought to myself. What now? I was furious with him more than her. I couldn't force her to break up with him cause I knew better. And the way she spoke about him made me feel like strangling her or just slapping her on  the face but no, we were close like that. She'd tell me everything and I told her everything. What was the difference this time?

The difference is that she is dating my player friend. The guy I did playing with if you know what I mean. The guy that made playing girls fun for me because he was the first guy to give me competition when it came to girls (he'd challenge me in Math too but he didn't stand a chance). The problem was either that my sister stole my friend from me or that my friend ditched me for my sister or that my sister is involved with a guy that I know for sure to be a player. Or maybe all four mentioned.

Maybe the problem was that the guy was my friend and as such if he were to play with my sister I wouldn't be able to discipline him like I normally would any other guy. This one would say " dude, you do the same to other people's sisters and who disciplines you?" That sort of a thing. I think that if your friend is to start dating your sister, it is the end of the friendship! Especially if you are close to your sister. The thing is, they will both want to share their stories of the happy things they do together and you will be the person they share those stories with, both of them. Worse of all, and this is inevitable, is when they fight. The one will want to come and complain about how the one is a dog and the other would wanna say how the other is a female breed of the same species (Bitch) and they will both come to you to complain. Normally when your friend complains about his girlfriend who behaves like a brat or the other B-word you know you do not have a choice but to take his side. Same goes with your sister. You take her side. What then do you do in a situation like this?

With  a situation like this in mind, I decided to stop being a player and treat other woman and girls in a way that I would like my sister to be treated by her boyfriend. For five years I was able to do that. Have just one girl at a time. I'm not saying it's easy! But, if you can't prevent the pain from harming your sis, how about you share it with her. Next time you decide to cheat on a girl, think of how your sister would feel if that were done to her. But then again if you have one of those sisters, one of those who do the playing, then you in luck! You are joined together is spreading the love-game!!

Thruth is, there are things you cannot protect your love one's from. No matter who you are and what you are capable of!

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